Wow. I need to get this down before I forget too much. The thing is it has been over 12 hours. I had a couple very weird dreams last night.
The two dreams had the same theme, good versus evil with me and a few others in the middle against a lot of people doing bad stuff. Now, each of these dreams went through several permutations. The first one kept restarting as I kept waking up during the night. The second came and went with every iteration of the alarm going off (followed by a swift poke at the snooze button).
In the first dream series, a group of people and I were part of the military. We found that something strange was happening, and that the leaders (the brass, people in charge) were behind it. Try as we might, no one would listen to us. Then we realized we had become targets for the bad folk. We did a lot of hiding. At one point we were out of the military, but still laying low. (I know, it sounds like a plot from the A-Team, and while I may love it when a plan comes together, this wasn’t it.)
That was as far as that one went. The next one had a bit more scary movie about it. (No, I was not watching horror movies before going to bed.)
I have to preface this. I will be using certain terms, but keep in mind it is not a slant against any particular group or religion. These were the terms used, so I use them here. It does not mean I am for or against anything.
In this dream, there was this small group of us that were members of a larger group. The term used to describe us was ‘witches’. (In this instance the term is more a scary movie use of the word rather than a representation of someone of the Wiccan faith.) We were at some type of gathering, maybe a convention even. I remember it to be a type of hotel setting.
The larger portion of the group turned to the dark side (decided to do evil). We knew we had to stop them, but we were only a few against many. We were powerless against their abilities.
There was one important person whom the evil ones respected as a leader, yet this person did not turn evil. Instead she saw what was going on and was going to stop it. This person was just about ready to leave her hotel room to come down and talk to them. It was at that moment that the group combined their abilities, took control of this lone person, and made her walk through the window and fall to the street. I think it was something like eight stories to the ground.
Try as we might to stop them, we were not strong enough. Now, we were in danger, and had to run.
On another iteration of this dream, the small group I was with had gotten smaller. Using our gifts, we could see this leader type person, and see that the group had taken hold of her. Suddenly something happened, and I reached out and shunted their power. This freed the leader person. Yes, shunted. That was the term used I used in the dream to tell the others what had happened. (Shunt - The act or process of turning aside or moving to an alternate course.) I then told the others to act fast to save her before the evil ones figured out what had happened. Unfortunately, that is when the alarm went off again, and I woke up.
I was a little stunned in the dream to think that I, by myself, managed to hold off the power of that very large group. Then again, I keep getting told that I am more powerful than I think I am. (If I ever allow myself to come into everything I can do, it might be surprising. The same might be true for everyone that reads this.)
The bottom line is that they were two very strange dreams, but with a very similar theme. I wonder what I’ll dream tonight.