April 7, 2006

A friend of mine sent me a link to an article on MSNBC that dealt with a chiropractor in Ohio. He is in jeopardy of losing his license for doing energy healing work.

James Burda is a chiropractor that has ‘stumbled’ onto a method of healing someone remotely by raising the vibration of the problem areas. Now, on the outset, this sounds simple and realistic. We know that there are many energy modalities that can heal remotely, Reiki being one of them. We also know that raising the vibrations of something, improves it. When we have problems, our vibrations (each person has their own vibration, sort of a vibratory signature if you will) tend to get lower, slow down. If we can find a way to raise our vibrations, we can heal our problems. Reiki is an energy with very high vibrations that works on problems in our bodies whether they be physical, mental, or spiritual. It does tend to raise the vibrations of the person it works on.

Burda has discovered, and honed a method of raising someone’s vibrations at the area of the problem. He named this method Bahlaqeen.) In a way, he goes back to the point that the problem (whether that be an injury or not) happened, and raise the vibrations, correcting the problem. What he is doing is reaching his energies into the past and correcting the problem at the time it happened. This is also not unusual as Reiki can be sent over distances or into the past or future. 

For those of us that work with energies, what he described is not unusual. Energies can be manipulated to make someone better over distances or time. (Time is just energy and can be changed - and I’m not talking history - at any point if one has the ability to do so.) Burda is even doing this work in what I would consider a proper and ethical manner. He does the treatment first and then expects payment. If the person he worked on is not satisfied, they owe nothing. 

Apparently when Burda created a web site to tell about his new method of healing, someone who saw it must have complained to the chiropractic board. They are now threatening to take away his license to be a chiropractor. They claim that by saying he can manipulate things through time, Burda is "unable to practice chiropractic according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care due to mental illness, specifically, Delusional Disorder, Grandiose Type."

The article as it appeared on MSNBC has a glaring title that makes Burda look like crack pot. The author did not take into account alternative methods of healing or care at all. So, it comes off as a one sided article (the entire article appears below). 

Come one people! Let’s grab a headline that will attract people and make them think this guy is crazy. Let’s only write half of the story. This is as bad as the idiots on the Ohio Chiropractic Board that are trying to take his license for effectively practicing an alternative method of care. Frankly, I can’t see where the two are related any more than I can see where any energy work is related to modern medicine. Alternative means work, but they also compliment. 

This type of thing scares me. The medical profession is running scared because of all the alternative treatments popping up today, and they are striking back by saying that it’s all bunk. Well, if they did a proper job of caring for their patients, maybe people wouldn’t be seeking other types of care. 

Keep in mind that this is happening in Ohio. Yes, Ohio, where the state capital (Columbus) is named after a man that went against all rational and sane thought and sailed three ships west until he hit a new continent. 

We are headed into the dark ages again. If someone does something ‘different’, they aren’t looked at with wonder or thought. They are just said to be mentally unbalanced. Next we’ll be burning them at the stake. 

Wake up people! To quote Shakespeare (at least I think it’s Shakespeare), “There are more things in Heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” We need to stop running away from the things that can help, and seriously look at them, maybe incorporating them with standard types of practices. 

The full MSNBC article is below. Burda’s web site is http://www.bahlaqeem.com/. I will try to post more as things develop if I can keep track of them. After all, what happens in Ohio could have a big effect here in Florida, where we are trying to get the legislature to recognize alternative care methods, and in the rest of the country. 

From MSNBC....

Chiropractor claims to travel through time

Ohio investigates provider who offers to reach into past to heal patients

COLUMBUS, Ohio - A chiropractor who claims he can treat anyone by reaching back in time to when an injury occurred has attracted the attention of state regulators.

The Ohio State Chiropractic Board, in a notice of hearing, has accused James Burda of Athens of being "unable to practice chiropractic according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care due to mental illness, specifically, Delusional Disorder, Grandiose Type."

Burda denied that he is mentally ill. He said he possesses a skill he discovered by accident while driving six years ago.

"My foot hurt and, knowing anatomy, I went ahead and I told it to realign and my pain went away," Burda said Thursday.

Burda calls his treatment "Bahlaqeem."

"It is a made-up word and, to my knowledge, has no known meaning except for this intended purpose. It does, however, have a soothing vibrational influence and contains the very special number of nine letters," Burda's Web site says.

The board alleges in three counts against Burda that the treatment is unacceptable and constitutes "willful and gross malpractice." Burda has until May 1 to request a hearing. The board can levy penalties ranging from a reprimand to revoking his license to practice, said Kelly Caudill, the board's executive director.

Caudill said she could not discuss the board's allegations while the investigation continues and could not comment on whether any of Burda's patients had complained. She said the board began the investigation when it learned of Burda's Web site. Burda said he likely will seek a hearing.

Burda said he charges nothing for his first "visit," usually by phone or Internet, and subsequent treatments are $60.

"All treatments are satisfaction-guaranteed. Treatment is always done before payment is made," Burda said, adding that one patient "just wasn't satisfied, and I tore up her check.

The Web site describes the treatment as "a long-distance healing service (not a product) to help increase the quality of your life that can be performed in the privacy of your home or other personal space. There is no need to come to my office."

The treatment is not telepathic because the patient does not have to believe in what he's doing, Burda said. He has treated hundreds of patients and reports nine out of 10 patients are satisfied, he said.

While he knows of no other people who have his particular skill, he said lawmakers and regulators should allow alternative forms of treatment for the patients who seek them.

"People who are in need cannot go to these people because they are not allowed to practice. This is terrible," Burda said.