I’ve been running into proverbs and sayings lately that make good sense. Here’s the first one... Never invoke the gods unless you really want them to appear. It annoys them very much. -- G.K. Chesterton
This is comical, yet very true. Some people call on the gods for everything from helping others heal to finding their lost shoe. Now if you visualize your deity as an energy force, well that energy is doing a lot of things. It is holding together the fabric of the universe.
Bill Cosby used to have a comedy routine that talked about this. He would say that instead of calling God for every little thing, call his friend Rudy. “C’mon Rudy, give me a seven.” Or “My Rudy-dammit car won’t start.”
Those energies are there, but we should use them for things that really matter. Healing, making life changes, things like this are a good use of those energies.
Use them well. I think you can find your own shoe.