August 3, 2006

Hello. Caring Palms. This is Brian. **click** Caring Palms, this is Brian. I‘m sorry wrong number. And this is just culminating a bad week. 

I know my mood rises and falls with the business. When the business is down, I go down. When it is up, I’m doing good. 

I know that this time of the year is always bad, but sitting through it just makes it feel worse. Last week I worked one hour. My partner worked 1 1/2 hours in two sessions. I can’t remember when I had such a bad week. Yet, I’ll bet I can find a journal entry somewhere that says the same thing. 

This week, I had one person scheduled yesterday that had put it on her schedule for next week. That is where it is on my schedule now too. Right now, I have only one person on my schedule and that is for tomorrow. I really would like to do better than the week before, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen no matter how many intentions I put out there. (I know, it’s the old joke... one awshit cancels all attaboys.) Renee has been doing better. I think she will finish the week with 5 1/2 hours of work after sitting the first three days doing nothing. The good part about that is that most of them were people I would not have been able to work on. 

Now I may have been able to work on the ones last Saturday had I not been going out of town, although had one not changed to another person, they had specifically requested Renee. Two this week were men that wanted a female therapist. One came from my e-mail newsletter. She saw that Renee did specific work that could help problems like hers, so she booked an appointment. So, her being her is a definite plus. 

But I want to work too.