January 3, 2006

Back in August of last year, certain learning energies were made available to us. This will continue until August of this year. Time is running out.

I have found that I am being pushed to do things I haven’t done in a long time, and I am doing them without any problems. I attribute this to these healing energies. But I also know that this will not last too much longer. I feel the need to learn things, but I just can’t figure where to go. I also need to get myself under control, especially my restless leg syndrome. I know it can be controlled through energies, and may even be because of them, but I still need to get a handle on it. 

One thing I noticed was as the new year approached, my leg problems got worse. There must be some energies out there now that are affecting it. I need to find what it is and what I can do about it. 

But the key here is that the time to learn is now.