I had a very interesting evening tonight. I attended my first mediumship class.
Now, there is a limit to what I can tell because we were told that just like in Las Vegas, ‘what happens in mediumship class stays in mediumship class’. This is to insure the privacy of the information passed.
This was the beginners class. There is an advanced class that one of my friends takes (he is a friend and Reiki student). This is how I came to know about these classes, and felt the need to look into it. There were supposed to be seven students there, but only three of us showed up, the three that had never been there before.
Now, the way it was explained is that there are mediums and there are psychics. John Edward proclaims himself to be a psychic medium. The key is that the term medium includes psychic. In other words, not every psychic is a medium, but every medium is a psychic.
My teacher says that she teaches the British style of mediumship. (I didn’t even know there was a ‘style’ to it.) All too many mediums will tell you things like... “I see their spirit standing behind you. They’re telling me that they love you.” Uh huh. Felgercarb.
The British style of mediumship is what John Edward does. The medium will pull out all types of validational information to prove that what they are seeing is true. Then they will pass on a message. After seeing John Edward on TV a few years back, I have come to appreciate what he does and how he does it.
The difference between a psychic reading and a medium doing a reading is quite eye opening. A psychic reads energies. They see patterns and things and makes conclusions based on that. A medium gets information from spirits. They can actually see these spirits and get images of what the spirits are trying to pass on. They make conclusions based on that information.
Although I can’t really pass on any real details of the class, I can tell a few things. We did psychometry, the reading of a person based on an item that one holds. I have done this before, many years ago in Kay’s classes. I was able to get a feeling of yes and no based on the vibrations of the item I held. But that was not mediumship.
We all put items in a bag and then drew them out making sure that we did not end up with our own. I immediately closed my eyes (without looking at what I had) and held the item toward each other person there. When I felt the strongest vibrations, I knew who it belonged to.
When it was my turn to do a reading, I started to get feelings about the item and went off asking questions. I was told that this was not how I should be doing it as too many ‘readers’ will ask questions until they get the information they need to tell them everything about the person they are reading. (I can remember one fair Kay did. All too many people wanted to come in and tell their life’s stories. I could have read them because they gave all their information.) Then I started telling what I saw and asking if these images made sense. Eventually I got an image of a person, described them, and passed on a message. When I was done, the teacher told me that I had done mediumship. Wow.
This is something I have done in the past. I will all too often go out and look for information from my guides or other spirits. I just thought I was doing psychic stuff (and in fact I was because it takes the psychic ability to bridge this gap), but in truth, I was doing mediumship. This is something I had not realized I was doing.
The class was wonderful. I was amazed, and pleased that I was able to pull out the information needed. I mean, I have been feeling that I need to do something to keep me moving forward. I was feeling a bit stalled, although my sensing of my client’s problems has been pretty good. (I have been told that I am moving and that some day I will realize that I am where I need to be instead of wondering if I am going to get there.) But it felt good to do some real work, and really get the right information. I guess I need to do things like this now and then to ‘stretch’ my psychic muscles.
I’m looking forward to next month’s class.