June 9, 2006

I had a client come in today (who was a massage therapist) that wanted a full Reiki session and a massage.

The energy session was truly remarkable. She was telling me how she had been tired and unable to keep things out. As I was doing the Reiki, I looked and saw a tendril attached to her. This tendril was draining her of energy. 

I opened myself to get help from my guides and was shown an impression of a man that my client had worked on. She felt she knew who this person was, but it had been a while since she had worked on him.

I looked at this tendril, then stopped doing Reiki. I reached out and pulled the tendril free. As I held it, it kept trying to break free and reattach itself into my client. I was starting to get a little upset at it. I was like “How dare you come in here and start problems.” I tied the tendril in a knot. Then I brought in white light and seared the end of it. At that point it jerked free and fled. 

I felt that it kept beating at the shields surrounding the room. Now I knew it couldn’t get back in as the room is double shielded. But it kept trying. I finally changed the shields to mirrors. This causes anything that hits them to be reflected back. It finally went away. 

Afterwards, I showed my client how to shield. I think this will help her in the future. As for the present, she was feeling lots better.