I taught Reiki 1 today. This was a class that seemed destined to happen no matter how many times it should have been cancelled.
My policy is that if I don’t have a deposit from anyone seven days before the published class date, I cancel the class. Since I have a breast cancer client that is interested in taking the class, and I wasn’t seeing her until the Tuesday of class week, I waited until I saw her to determine if I would cancel or hold this class.
She told me that she would rather take the class in April as it would be easier to schedule. So I went home that evening… and forgot to put the cancellation out on the web.
About mid morning the next day, I got a phone call asking about the class this coming Saturday (today). She had picked up a copy of Natural Awakenings magazine and saw the class advertised. I told her that I would teach for just her if she wanted, but she said that she could wait until the one next month. While I was on the phone with her, another call came in (I have call waiting) and I put the first call on hold while I took the second. Here was a second person telling me the same story. She had opened the magazine and saw that there was a class offered, and wanted to get in it. Talk about lightning striking.
I took the name and number of the second caller, and switched back to the first one. I asked the first caller that if the other person did want to do this class, would she. I go an emphatic yes.
So I ended up calling them both back, taking a credit card deposit over the phone for both, and sending out confirmation e-mails (there wasn’t time to send an actual letter)
So, I got two very interested and willing students. They liked what they saw. They understood the concepts I was teaching. And best of all, they got it.
So, for a class that should have been cancelled, it turned out to be a great day. (And to beat that, I did a massage after class, so it was a very rewarding day.)