March 23, 2006

Well, I had a very interesting evening. I just got back from seeing John Edward. And to answer your question before you ask it, no, I didn’t connect with someone on the other side. And although that may be a small disappointment, I do understand that I didn’t have the need, while others did.

John came out and started talking about what he was about and things that he did. He talked a little about spirituality, energies, the other side, and how it is portrayed in fiction. 

He took a poll of the audience. He asked who had ever received a psychic reading of any kind. Then who had not, followed by “How many were dragged here by their wives and came because they’ll never get sex again otherwise?” I had occasionally gotten readings from Kay, so I had raised my hand in the first group.

He then asked how many considered themselves religious more than anything else. There were several hands, but only a small percentage of the 2,000 (my guesstimate) people there. He then asked how many considered themselves spiritual as opposed to religious. Most of the people there raised their hands, including me. 

Then he asked how many people there considered themselves skeptical. About 100 people or less raised their hands… including me. He told the audience that everyone should be skeptical, to want proof of what they are told whether that information comes from the person next to you or from the other side. We should all be questioning the information we get, validating it, not just believing it blankly.

As much as I do, as I have done, most people don’t believe that I am skeptical. I have to have things proven to me, and in the time I have been doing things, I have had that proof. It came in either feedback from people id did things with, or from things I saw or felt. 

John is big on validations. That is why he gives the type of readings he does. He tells a lot of things he could not know to prove that it is truly someone that the people receiving the reading know. 

He talked for a while more, then opened the floor to questions. When he went to one person to hear their questions, something snapped. A spirit came through with a message. This person had lost a child, and they needed ‘Mom’ to hear that they were all right. That started his readings. 

One thing about John Edward is that he is not just a gifted medium, but a good entertainer. He makes jokes, and keeps things going even if they get heavy. As part of the validation, he wants people to answer with yes or no. this is to avoid them giving him the information, instead of him supplying it. (When Kay had a fair a long time ago, I could have read half of the people because they wanted to tell their life’s story rather then let the psychic supply it. That is part of the validation that they know that the psychic is not faking.) at one point he stopped the person by shushing them. Them he pointed to himself and said “Medium...” 

He did quite a few readings, one in the section next to us. He talked with people that lost children, parents, sisters and brothers. Each person was left with a message of hope and love, and with a lighter feeling than when they had come in. His last reading was with a lady that was a hoot in herself. It was a fun reading. 

One story he told was of a cynic that had asked what the best religion was. John was Catholic, but considers himself more spiritual. He thought for a while, but then his guides downloaded stuff to him. He asked the man what the best language was. The man told him that he couldn’t judge the best language. Well, John told him that he couldn’t’ judge the best religion because religion is the language that we use to speak to God. 

Now, I had four people that could have come through to talk to me, not including my brother-in-law. Sure, it would have been nice hear form them. It would have been nice to get validation that I might be on the right path. It might have been nice to have them acknowledge the visits I made to them on the other side. But I know that they are all right. I know that they see what goes on over here. I know that all is ok, and that they still care about us. Besides there were people there who had a much greater need to hear form loved ones on the other side. And after all, those are the ones that get readings.

One more thing John said... anyone can learn to open themselves up to these energies. The key to that is meditation. I guess I need to solve my leg problems so I can sit long enough to meditate.