October 4, 2006

Well, I knew this was going to happen some day. My partner told me that she is leaving. 

Now, thankfully, the reason she is leaving has nothing to do with the working environment, her boss, or the lack of money coming in the door (well, maybe partially from the lack of money, but that isn’t the driving factor). No, she is having some major changes in her personal life, and that is causing her to move. Maybe if she were making tons of money here, she wouldn’t have to, but that has not been the case. 

So, now I am rapidly trying to find a replacement. I knew that when I hired a full time person, I would face the possibility of losing all of her clients if I didn’t have a replacement soon. Now I am trying to scramble before that happens. The problem is that the entire process to find the right person (or people) is long and hard. I had been looking for seven months before Renee walked in. I certainly hope it doesn’t take this long again. 

There’s not much I can say. I wish her luck in her future endeavors. I will miss the business she was bringing in, but mostly, I will miss the company. It has been nice having someone that I could talk with, trade with, work out new moves with. Growth is a part of life, and change has to happen for growth. What can I say?