October 17, 2006

Ever since taking the Myofascial Release (MFR) classes in Las Vegas, I have been in a new mental and energetic state when doing all massage.

When I took the classes, each exercise we did, we were given the right atmosphere to actually sink in and feel what was going on. This is something I had not experienced when I took MFR1 last year. And it makes a huge difference in the results of what I am doing.

The problem with most treatments is that they form and evolve linearly. I look at a client, determine their needs, and then form a plan of treatment. Then I follow this treatment unless I get other indications of other needs (which in my case come in the form of pictures or feelings). To work with MFR, one needs to work in the realm of quantum physics. I started doing this in the classes, and now am doing it for most healing treatments I do whether they are in the realm of physical or energy. 

Today was the second time I had worked MFR on this particular client. When he came in two weeks ago, I looked him over, and filled out this chart to show where his problems were, and what moves needed to be performed. Then I started to do the moves. Somewhere into the second move, I realized that I was dong the exact same thing I had been doing all along, sitting and waiting. It was at this point that I let myself ‘loose’ and I opened until I could feel all the energies involved with what I was doing. I could feel the hold my hands were in, the energy in the fascia that I was working on, and the energies around. Now and then I got images to do certain moves. It was actually neat. 

When I was ‘in the zone’ like that, I could feel all the minor movements, and I’m not sure that being there didn’t have a hand in making it happen. I think that this had a huge factor on whether something truly happened or not. This could be what I have been missing for almost two years. 

One part of the treatment involved moving the leg around. The idea is that one moves it until it doesn’t want to go further (and the part that tells you his is quite subtle). Then eventually, the fascia releases, and you move it a little further, until the next stop point. When I did this and was in the zone, I just knew when the fascia had softened, and it was ready to move further. I didn’t know because I was pushing it out. I didn’t know because there was a noise or anything. I just… knew. 

One of the other things I figured out in the classes was that I have been using way too much muscle. When the assistant instructors put their hands on you, it felt like they were pushing down very hard. This gave me a feel for how hard to press, and that was with a lot of muscle. In truth, they were not pushing hard, but intention and energy made it feel like they were. So I have eased up a lot. Because of this, I can do an hour session without a problem. I’m not tired or weak afterwards.

I have been using this ‘in the zone’ method on a lot of things, not just MFR. It has helped me with Reiki and regular massage. Wow. I think I’m growing. Cool.