October 20, 2006

Alone again... naturally?

As I sit here and type this, I remember a sad song many... er... many years ago by an artist that called himself Gilbert O’Sullivan. The song titled ‘Alone Again, Naturally’ told the story of a person that simply had everything go wrong. In the end, he ended up alone. 

In a way I feel like that now, yet I’m not as pessimistic about it. Renee stopped by and picked up her things a little while ago. She said she felt like she was leaving me in the lurch, and she is, but she needs to do what she is doing. It is the right thing for her.

The only bit of bad timing for me is that we are moving into the busier time of the year. But the worst part of that is the full page ad appearing in Natural Awakenings beginning November 1. I’ve been told that this will bring in a lot of business. I truly hope that this is what happens 

I don’t mind being here alone, but it has been real nice having company. When we weren’t working, we were talking, or trying things out. It was nice having someone to bounce ideas off, discuss plans with. 

I actually have one promising person that I interviewed. I’m getting a massage from her in a couple days. I’m hopeful. I also have someone else I am looking at. Like I said, I’m hopeful.

Alone is ok, but having someone there is better. I wish Renee well, and hope things go well for her. My energies however need to go into manifesting business and help. 

Time to move forward.