Well, I got the news. It looks like I’m going to be a teacher.
I got the call yesterday afternoon and was told that I would be starting Monday. I was a little shocked at how soon they wanted me to start. After all, before I can take their few pages of notes and talk coherently on any subject, I need to do some reading in their books.
But I will not have to worry. The current module is about half way done. What they are going to have me do is sit in on one of the current classes so I can see how it is done. That will give me time to familiarize myself with the material before I have to solo.
It’s going to be long days, and it will leave me the weekends to do anything needing to be done on the house and yard, and fit in whatever sessions and classes come up.
At any rate, good or bad, I am now employed. Wish me luck.