I was at the bank today, using the ATM when a car pulled up with their stereo blasting. One person got out while the other stayed in the car with this boom-boom-boom vibrating the parking lot. Everyone that came past me into the bank looked over there and commented about the people in the car. I guess my question is… why do people feel they have the right to be rude?
I mean I just don’t understand it anymore. I, who work in an area of care for other people constantly see that most people don’t care about others enough to even be polite to them. I know I was raised in a different time, but come on now. I was taught to be polite to others. I hold the door open for the person behind me when I go into a store. Just the other day, someone was having trouble get a cart into the bank. I took a moment and got the door for them. I let someone in in front of me when traffic is merging.
What I notice for the most part is that people in their 40’s and later tend to have common courtesy. So what’s the problem? Didn’t they bother to pass that on to their kids? I know my daughter has it. But there are a lot of people today that don’t.
Society has become a place where people don’t care about others. They feel that they have rights and screw everyone else. Take for instance the person that walks out in front of cars in a parking lot because they should see him. He figures that if he gets hit, he’ll sue. Heaven forbid that he should ever think about how his life would be changed if someone really did hit him, and how much it would cost to mount a law suit. But that doesn’t stop him from walking into oncoming traffic.
How about these people with their boom-box cars that play their music (crappy music at that) so loud that the cars around them vibrate? I have several that go by my house now and then. I always turn my stereo down when I’m at a red light or pulling into a housing development. (I know. I need to be investing in hearing aids. It’s the only way I can get revenge.)
It makes me want to get out there and shout “What the hell is wrong with you people?” But the question is… what is wrong with people? Were they not potty trained properly by their parents?
It is scary when I think what people might be like in another generation. Let’s all hope there is some type of turn around or else the wars we see on TV will be in our own neighborhoods.
You know, they say that the meek will inherit the earth. This is because all the rude people will eventually kill themselves off. I really hope it doesn’t come to that.