December 12, 2007

I heard from my client whose grandfather popped in the other day.  He was a bit confused at how this could happen and had questions.

It seems that after doing some research, his grandfather’s name was William, or as I had first heard it, Bill.  I had dismissed this thinking that I was bringing stuff up from inside instead of listening (lesson 2: don’t dismiss anything). 

My client did not understand how a grandfather he had not known could be watching out for him.  Well, I think John Edward explained it best when he was in town last year. 

He said that all of your ancestors on the other side watch over all of their descendants.  The reason one does not hear from say your great, great, great aunt Matilda is because there is nothing they could give as validation that you would recognize. 

He said that he had done a reading for someone one time where ancestors from way, way back were just popping out to say hello.  In each case, the person he was doing the reading for was able to validate that indeed it was the ancestor that he said it was.  John did not know until later that this person was the family historian, and because of that, knew details that most people could not have known.  Therefore he was able to validate who it was.

Going back to my client, he understood and was pleased to get the confirmation.

I never did find out if William’s middle name was Joseph or not.  It is a possibility.