Each year we hear the same thing… “It’s a new year, time to turn over a new leaf.” Maybe yes, maybe no. What it is time to do is make commitments. Now I’m not talking resolutions here, as resolutions have become the standard joke. We expect them to be broken, therefore they are temporary. What we need to do is make commitments, and one of the places to make those commitments is in our own healthcare.
With today’s rush-rush world, it is hard to take time to care for ourselves. We spend all too much time at our jobs, but we need to. If we didn’t, those jobs would be given to someone else. We spend what time we have left taking care of everything else. In that struggle, care for ourselves gets lost in the shuffle. We just never seem to be able to make time to help ourselves. That’s where commitment comes in.
First we have to recognize the fact that we need to spend some quality time keeping ourselves well. This could mean regular exercise, eating right, seeing a doctor, or getting a massage.
When we get busy, the first thing that seems to go is the time to take proper care of ourselves. We tend to work with the problems we have, and not treat them. As someone who works 12 hour days between my studio and teaching in the evenings, I don’t get time to exercise. So I am not taking steps to keep myself healthy as I should. But without us being healthy, eventually we will lose the ability to do many of the things we do, and those that depend on us will not get the care that they need.
This is especially true for healers. We tend to think of others more than ourselves. But in the final outcome, if as a healer I don’t take care of myself, eventually I won’t be able to help others. A couple weeks ago, I pulled my back. Instead of seeking help, I just worked through it even though doing sessions was painful (to me, not my clients).
Commitment is taking the steps and making sure that you do what is needed to improve your health. This means doing exercise or getting healthcare whether that be massage, Reiki, or regular medical care. It means taking the time to do what is needed, and not putting it off.
The new year is a good time to make new commitments. But really, any time is a good time as long as you are willing to follow through and truly commit.