Stuff happens (of course it’s usually spelled differently). We know that. But it seems to come in waves making us live crisis to crisis.
Without going into detail, which I am not ready to do here, suffice it to say that something has happened. This something has nothing to do with any type of legal or health issues, nor has it been caused by anything anyone did wrong. But it definitely casts a haze over all future plans and hopes. It casts doubt on whether Caring Palms as an entity will continue to exist, or where it will be if it does. Part of the problem is that the company has not yet shown a profit, and has simply been an expense. To deal with the problem which is outside the company, the company might have to close, or move to another area. Or the other side is that everything might be okay and nothing will change. (I hope something changes as I need to do more work.)
But the issue here is that we seem to move from one problem to another. It’s really hard to get ahead when all you do is react to problems.
When I used to work in the computer field, in an IT (Information Technology) department of a company, that is all we seemed to be able to do. Either something would be going wrong (some hardware or software issues), or some changes needed to be made yesterday, or someone would decide that something should be done differently. Basically, we were constantly ‘fighting fires’. There was no time to plan, only react to things that came up.
It seems to be that way in our personal lives too. We plan for this or that, then something happens. Maybe the car breaks down, or there’s a problem with the house, or something changes making things harder or just different. Especially when that something puts the future in doubt, it is hard to look at it as a positive step.
I know that change is always inevitable, and that we always hate change because we grow comfortable with where we are. But change is necessary. How else can we grow and experience? Yet it is still hard to look at change as something positive, especially when it could change our existence from how we live to what we do. But as I have been told, we need to focus on what we want and draw it to us. We need to look at change as an adventure.
This is not always easy because we are still reacting to the circumstances of the change. This is especially true when there is no clear definition of where this will take us. We make small change to compensate for our immediate needs, and then we make more small changes, and more, and more. This needs to be done as it is part of the path we are being sent on, but it is still reactionary.
The key is to be positive, but that is not always easy. We know that dwelling on the negative will draw that to us, but it is hard to ignore and be positive. Yet we know that this is something we must do. Right now there is no definition which makes things harder. Yet a positive attitude must prevail. This is true with anyone and any situation.
So we are trying to stay positive as we move forward. I leave this post hoping for definition, and soon. Take care.