March 10, 2007

I had a really good Reiki 1 class today.  I had five students which is more than I have taught before, and that created a problem or two.

The first half of the class went really well.  It was the part where we do paired partner practice that was interesting.  First, I brought in John, my friend and student.  Second, I set up two massage tables in the back room, and one in the lobby as this was the only way I had the room to put up three tables. 

With John working with one student in the lobby, and me with the other four in the back room, things worked fine.  I had to stand in the hallway the whole time so that I could talk and everyone could hear me.  It worked, but I felt disjointed about it. 

My students seemed to like the class.  It did run quite long though.  I was worried that they would not be happy with that, but the comments on the feedback forms told me that they were completely fine with the extra time it took. 

One comment (not having to do with time) was interesting.  It said that she liked the ‘Balance between education / training and freedom to intuit as a practitioner.’  I have always let my students know that they do not have to do Reiki by rote.  There is plenty of room to intuit.  It’s just nice to see that someone appreciates it.