I’ve seen where doctors are on call for emergencies. How about energy workers?
I had a call this morning from one of my regular clients. Her daughter was suffering from a migraine. In fact, they had been up all night trying everything to get it to go away. She asked if I could see her. So, I came in and opened the shop just for her.
When they got there, I wasted no time, and brought the girl into the back room where I started doing Reiki. About 25 minutes later, I noticed that she was tapping her fingers and looking bored. Believe it or not, this was a good sign. I knew this meant that the migraine was gone.
I continued the session, doing a full Reiki session on her. When I was done, she was bouncing off the walls. She was happy and playful, quite a change from the sad, lethargic person that walked in a while before.
Yes sir, emergency on call hours available. Maybe I need a sign for my car so I can park wherever I need to… ‘Lightworker On Call’.