October 13, 2007

Did you ever hear of the Healing Zone?  Well, I was there last night.  It’s not quite like the Twilight Zone, and one doesn’t see visions of Rod Serling, but it is a unique place where magic happens.

Last night, my one student needed bodywork, and there was no other students available to work on her, so I did.  I don’t know what went through my mind, but I decided to something different.  I relaxed, and connected to spiritual energies.  Next I placed a hand on her to make a connection, and started moving.  Rather than following my ‘normal’ routine (or some semblance thereof), I just worked with whatever came to mind.

I worked very slowly, giving each move time to sink in, and let my student luxuriate in each stroke.  At one point, I started working with the shoulders and neck, doing a series of moves I have never done before.  It took two revolutions of these moves to get them ‘just right’, but they worked real well. 

I found I used a lot of forearm moves, even some I had never done before.  As I finished each move, another one came to me, and I just rolled into it.  I started with no plan, and no idea how I planned on putting things together.  I only knew of a couple of moves I knew I wanted to do, and let them blend into whatever came out. 

I worked the back side of the body for about 40 minutes and then turned my ‘client’ over.  At that point, I only knew of one or two moves that I wanted to do, and had no idea where I wanted to start, or what else I wanted to do.  Unfortunately, my ‘client’ needed to use the bathroom, so the session ended there. 

When she returned, I asked for feedback, and was surprised at what she said.  She told me that she liked all of the moves, and that they flowed together perfectly.  She said that she did not feel any hesitation, or felt that I was making it up as I went along (which is exactly what I was doing).  She said that it felt like I do that routine every day, it was so well done and flowing.  Wow.

Yes, when one gets into the ‘Healing Zone’, magic does happen, even if that magic is created on the spot.