Let’s see… Massage sessions: $60 per hour, Reiki energy and mediumship readings at no additional charge.
Someone I know brought her mother in for her second visit today. Her mother suffers form many things that I think Myofascial Release (MFR) can help, including chronic pain and loss of feeling in part of one hand. Today, she came in with a really bad headache, which she had been having almost daily for a while now.
Even though she needed regular massage, I decided to start with Reiki to see if I could get rid of the headache. I was immediately hit with great sadness when I placed my hands on her. I had a feel for the emotions she was going through. I started to channel the Reiki, and as I usually do, I ‘stepped back from it’ and let it do its own thing. While that was happening, I opened myself up to possibilities, and was shown some massage moves in certain areas that she was having problems.
While I was doing that, I sort of felt that there was someone over my right shoulder that wanted to talk. I wasn’t really sure if my client would be open to anything like this. (Half of the stuff I do is so unusual that I get concerned that I scare some of my clients. Even when I sight scan each one at the beginning of the session, I think I freak some of them out.) I asked for more information from the spirit, and I heard ‘John’. Then a second later, I heard ‘Bill’. I was presented a picture of a large man with a beard. I also saw that he was wearing a very large ring on his left hand.
I was still very unsure of whether I should say anything to my client or not. I finally told the spirit that if I was to say something I needed to see that I could get a message, and that there truly was a message. (I usually have problems with messages as my mind is never empty enough to clearly accept and notice things the spirits put in it.) I was given part of the message.
At this point, I asked my client if she knew someone named John that was on the other side. She did not. I then asked about Bill. This name she knew. I described what I had seen, and she identified this person as her father. Now, I did not do a lot of verification, and I probably should have done more, but my client was accepting what I said I was seeing. (In a way, I get concerned about the people that accept too readily. There is the person that is so willing to believe, that they will accept anything they hear from anyone. On the other side is the person that will not believe no matter how much information you give them. I guess somewhere in the middle is best.)
I passed on my message as it came to me. I got pieces of words and feelings that led me to talk about various things. (This is similar to a mediumship class I took where we had to talk for five minutes on a subject given us on the spur of the moment. The information for the talk was provided by spirit. I remember getting phrases and directions to talk about the subject.) I did the same thing here with my client. I managed to pass on the message as best I could. I saw the image of the spirit give me a ‘thumbs up’, so I guess I got it right enough.
After that, did a massage, but this was unlike most massages I do. Just as I had done last week on my student, I opened myself to possibilities, created everything I did off the top of my head. The neat thing is, is that it flowed. And realistically, this is what I should be able to do. I created moves, did moves in new combinations, and basically did exactly what my client needed.
All in all, it was a tremendous experience.