Class has been interesting this mod. I have 11 students (yes, that is more than the night class has ever had), and many of them have contraindications (problems that can be made worse by massage. In fact, while one of my students was being worked on, her problem flared up and she was in great pain, so much so that to lightly touch the area hurt.
This student had been in a car accident a couple years ago. She described being hit by another car and ending up on the floor on the passenger side of the car. She also described a horrific time at a local hospital. She was in a wheel chair, barely able to stand with a neck brace on. She was sent for x-rays where the attendant pulled her up out of the chair, took off the neck brace and then forced her hands over her head (she could not raise them herself) for the necessary x-ray. (And they say that compassion in the medical field is dead.)
At and rate, at the point that she was hurting, I had her partner stop working on her, and had her get dressed. Her initial doctor had told her that after a few days, the pain in her low back would go away. It is now two years later.
I put her back on the table and started doing Reiki on her. I placed my hands near the base of her spine in the center. Instantly, the energy started to flow in huge amounts. It was like a fire hose. The energy was pouring into her.
She told me that my hands felt like a very hot heating lamp on her. In fact it was very close to a burning sensation. (The last time I remember someone tell me I was burning them was about 12 years ago when I was pulling negative energy out of someone’s hip.) This was very much the same thing, but it was Reiki going in, not negativity being pulled out.
To me it felt like I was really pushing on her, so much so that I kept backing off with my pressure until I was not touching, and then touching again. In truth, I was barely touching her. When the other students asked how hard I was pushing, she told them that there was very little pressure from my hands. It was all energy.
I stayed in that one place for about 20 minutes, and the energy flow was as intense every minute of it.
When I finally stopped, her intense pain was much better. Wow. I wonder what a full session might have been like.