Someone once said that we should act locally, but think globally. The idea behind that us wonderful, but not always possible. At the same time, doesn’t everything we do reflect outward?
For a while now, I have lost track of things happening on a larger level. I was unaware of storms, war issues, rights issues, ethereal issues, etc. I have simply been trying to deal with things happening in my own backyard, some of that literally.
My wife was laid off from her job several months ago, and finding another one has not been easy. To help out, I have been teaching in the evenings. Part of what I don’t like about doing that is that I am helping to turn out more massage therapists in an already overcrowded area.
Along with all of this, the city is moving ahead with rebuilding the canal behind our house. They will be destroying the last 15 feet of our yard to do so.
With all that has been going on, I have been exhausted. I have not been able to concern myself with larger matters. Each time I watch the news, I just see so much pain and suffering (which is why I don’t watch the news much).
When you have your own problems, and not simple ones, it is hard to think about other, more world involved things. Yet at the same time, if you believe in my opening statement, just doing things at a very small level can make changes further out.
We know energies move out from a center. A light bulb works by starting energy between two filaments, and that energy moves out to a wider area in the form of light. We make changes in ourselves. This passes out from us in the form of a different attitude, or higher emotion. This emotion in the form of energy spreads to everyone we come in contact with. It has some change.
If your attitude affects the people you come in contact with (even for a few moments), they will pass those energies on to someone else, who will pass them on to someone else, and so forth. Effectively, you are making change on a wide basis. It may not last long. But it may go far.
So, work on yourself. Look inside. Pay attention to what you need to, yet stay positive. This way you are truly acting locally, but as your energies pass forward, you will be acting globally.