January 1, 2008

Curses. The curse of the mummy? Curses, foiled again? How about the old Chinese blessing which is also referred to as a curseā€¦ May you live in interesting times? Or how about, may you get what you want (knowing that you won’t want it after you get it)? But I have one for the New Year... Every day of the year will be a reflection of the first day.

This is something that my mother told me when I was little. It was something to get me to behave. Basically, she told me that how I acted on the first day of the year, and how things went because of it would be how things would go the rest of the year. Because of my being very young when she told me, it lodged in the back of my mind and pops out every January 1st. (This really goes to show that parents should really think about the stuff they tell their kids.)

I mean, if the first day of the year really sucks, then you might as well pack it in and go into hiding for the next 12 months. If it is just perfect, then the rest of the year will be peaches and cream. Of course, this isn’t true, but the thought being put into one’s mind, especially at so young an age can be really harmful.

Once a seed is planted, it will generally grow, and that is true for thoughts. How many times have we been told that we can’t do something, or that something is impossible? You can’t manipulate energy. You can’t just take away someone’s headache by waving your hand in front of their head. Why not? I do it all the time.

But every time we want to do something out of the ordinary, we have to fight several “you can’ts” to be able to do it. Depending when those “I can’ts” or those seeds were planted, they can be very hard to overcome. The younger we were, the harder things are to overcome, such as feeling like the rest of the year is going to be as good, or as bad as the first day.

It is something that can be overcome. But it does take effort to ignore that little part of your mind that tells you that this is how it will be, and to go ahead and make things the you think they should be. But it can be done.