My 81 year-old client was in again today, and she told me something else that stunned me. She told me that she thinks I would be a good person to have around when one dies. As I pick up my jaw from the floor, please read on.
Now, I know that Reiki can be used as the energy to help one make the transition to the other side. I know as a Reiki practitioner that to help someone who is about to pass is about as important a thing as one can do. But I have never thought of myself as ‘the person’ to have around at that time.
My client figured that I was a calming influence that would not panic, and be helpful to others left around. Ok, so maybe that could be the case. And if her time was near, and she wanted me there, I would go. It was just such an offhand comment that it totally threw me.
I just wish that when she came for a session, she would not talk of dying. It makes me worry that she will feel so at peace that she will decide to pass while she is there on my table. That would definitely take me a while to get over.