Over the last 11 years, I have been a Reiki master, even though I have been doing this for a while now, I am still amazed at what it can do, and how amazing, almost miraculous it can be. By now, one would think that I would be used to it. I mean, people come in and get Reiki, and then leave feeling better. That is normal. But every now and then, it is like the sky opening up and everything falling into alignment.
I received a call from a lady asking if I did Deep Tissue and Trigger Point work. She said that she had a hip alignment issue and thought I could help with it. I told her I would be glad to see what I could do, and we set an appointment. When she arrived, I saw that she was a frail looking 81 year old. When we went over her health information, I found she had many contraindications (problems that could be made worse with massage) that kept me from doing the work she wanted. In fact, her doctor had postponed working on her until some swelling had gone down. So, seeing as I could not do massage, I suggested Reiki.
After I explained what it was, and what it did, she decided to give it a try. During the session, she kept telling me of things she was seeing that ranged from purple clouds to other things. It was all very nice, and very peaceful. She commented on how hot my hands had gotten. When I got to her cold feet, she told me that they would cool down my hands. Actually, my hot hands warmed her feet.
When I was done with the Reiki, I did some light compressions, and worked out two trigger points in her hip. After that, I had her sit up.
She was very slow as she felt so good and so peaceful. But once she got up, she looked at me with wide eyes. She told me that she was feeling so wonderful. All her pain was gone. She told me that just to feel that way for five minutes would have been worth anything.
One of the things that amazed her was how peaceful the session had been. She told me a couple days later that if she were to die in that Reiki session, it would have been perfect. To leave while in such a peaceful state would have been what she could hope for when the time comes. I told her that I was glad she did not die during the session. It may have fulfilled her desire for a peaceful exit, but it really looks bad when one’s client dies during a session.
One of the things she suffers from is Scoliosis, and side to side curvature of the spine. When she got off the table, she told me that it felt like her spine was straight. She was standing taller as well. Wow.
I have seen Reiki do some miraculous things, yet I never stop being amazed when these things happen. I keep getting told that I am a miracle worker, but miracles are not part of my bailiwick. That belongs to a higher power, which is where the energy comes from. Also, it is the energy that does the healing, not the practitioner. Our job is to simply be the connection, the cord between the lamp and the wall socket.
When I go into a Reiki session, I have no expectations. I hope that the client will feel better. I ask higher power to help the client. but I just make the connection. I guess if I expected amazing results every time, I would be disappointed too often. So by not expecting anything, I am open to magic happening.
I think I like it better that way. Also, it keeps amazing me as it does the people I work on.