May 20, 2008

Today was our last day of Esalen class. We started by dancing.

One of the warm up things we did was to put on music, feel it and dance. I have a huge problem with letting go. I just could not get into it. I moved a lot, enjoyed some of it, but never did get the release of it that our teacher was looking at us getting.

Later, I worked on Doc. He was surprised how good what I was doing felt. He mentioned that I use my forearms a lot. This is true as I took a lot from the Lomi Lomi. I just let myself move, and be intuitive. Once in a while, I went to a ‘canned’ move which I took from Lomi or some other discipline. But most of it was pure intuitiveness. Doc liked it. I liked it.

I want to o more like this. The total intuitive massage is just wonderful to do.