I heard from a friend yesterday that I had not heard from in quite a while. Something she told me did not surprise me, yet it did.
The last time I talked with Lisa, she was in Orlando with a friend. She wanted to ‘check in’ while she was in the ‘neighborhood’. She told me she remembered, and that her friend has since died. It was what she told me he said before he did that got me. He told Lisa that he did not mind leaving even though he was very young. He said that the world is about to get really screwed up, and that he did not want to be around for that. Wow.
I know I have heard about ‘the apocalypse’ coming. I really don’t expect it to happen in my lifetime. At one point I did, but the more I see, the more I believe it will happen later. A friend that is very connected energetically told me that in five years (2013 I believe he said) this will really begin happening. I can see the beginnings of it now.
Look at the things going on in just our country now. Healthcare is a shambles. The system is designed to let people die rather than keep them alive. Politics are crazy and getting worse with this election coming up. (It’s like the old saying goes… Darth Vader for president, if you’re tired of voting for the lesser of two evils.) The price of gas has skyrocketed making everything else become unaffordable. Sooner or later, it may make it impossible for people to afford to go to work.
I see it everywhere I go. People are afraid, angry (me included), and very near panic. Sooner or later, people are going to start acting on those emotions. We’re going to see riots, violence, and all other sorts of goings on. It is just so obvious that it is scary.
But what can we do? Other than keep our heads down, do calming exercises to help control and remove the anger. Keep shields up so that the anger does not get in. Meditate. Do something relaxing to clear form the tensions going on around us. Stay sane, and alive, and in control. This will be necessary over the next several years. Send out healing thoughts. Visualize the world being a better place than it is.
Do anything you can to keep positive energies out there. Everything depends on anything we can do.