April 21, 2009

I did my first Temple Lomi session today since getting back from the classes. The great thing about it was it was for a paying customer. The real great thing about it was that what she said afterwards was astounding.

Now, this person has been to see me four times previously. She has had sessions that range from deep tissue to MFR to some very deep (and sometimes personal) deep muscular work.

When she came in and told me what she needed, the idea of doing Temple Lomi came into my head. I told her that I was not sure I was being shown that because it was what she needed (I will many times be directed to what someone needs) or simply because I had just come from the classes and wanted to do a live session. I explained what was involved and what draping was necessary (minimal draping to do movements the length of the body) and then she decided to go with what I was suggesting.

At first she thought the massage was strange and unique. Most people feel that way the first time they experience a full body massage style (especially those that do get massages regularly like my client). Then she realized how nice it felt. When I turned her over to be face up, she was very relaxed and her headache was gone. When I started doing the work under the body, she loved it. When it was all done, she did not want to get up.

When she came out, she looked really out of it. After she had gotten some water, we talked for a bit. I asked her how she was and she told me “That was the most awesome massage I have ever had.” Wow. That comment blew me away. Wait a minuteā€¦ is she saying that the other times I worked on her sucked? Just kidding. She told me she comes to me because she can feel that I care about what I do and the person on the table. She just felt so cared for during this session that it was wonderful.

Cool. I’m hearing things like this a lot lately. It is good to hear.