August 8, 2009

I had a stupendous Reiki 2 class today. We had 16 student and three helpers. Considering this involved group work including a healing chain, that much energy was wild.

We started out with 16 students, but one had to leave because the energy was affecting her emotionally. (Receiving Reiki can create emotional issues as can receiving massage. This student just hit appoint where she couldn’t deal with it.)

When we started doing group beaming (send energy across the room at one person), I broke them up into two groups. We would put one person from each group against the wall, and the group would beam energy at them. It was really funny watching them have to lean against the wall behind them to keep from falling over.

The one student that was a vampire was concerned about receiving. She was afraid that if these people started sending her energy, she would latch on and not be able to let go. I told her not to worry about it. When she was against the wall, and people had stopped sending her energy, I put up a wall between her and them until I was sure she was completely disconnected.

Right after the lunch break, we did the healing chain. This is where the first person brings in Reiki energy and then passes it to the next person in the chain. That person brings in Reiki energy, combines it with that being passed from the person behind them, and then passes it to the person in front of them. This continues on until it reaches the last person who is the one that sends it to someone distant. I did this as part of a Reiki conference a few years ago, and I had 25 participants. This group may have been smaller, but it was just as spectacular.

I have fun with this as the further up the chain one goes, the more force is coming form behind, and it feels like force, like it is going to push you over. I like watching as people waver back and forth. They feel pushed forward, and start to go until they have to push back and stand before they fall over. This is a true reminder that energy is a physical medium.

One thing that was interesting was with the vampire. She was very afraid of losing control and tapping into energy from everyone around her. So, one of my helpers took her hand. She pulled back, and my helper took her hand again. My helper let her take some energy, and then she just stopped it. The vampire was surprised that anyone could stop her. I figure that there were three of us there today that could have dealt with any problem she might have had. It was interesting.

What was also interesting was watching the temperature go up with the energy use. By the time the class was over, it was 84 degrees in there. Nice and warm.

But it was a fun class, and I think everyone enjoyed it, more so than the Reiki 1. I always feel that this is a more fun class as it is all doing work and very little lecture.