August 12, 2009

We had a mediumship class today, and I found out something about myself.

As my teacher describes it, there are three classifications that mediums can fall into, and they could fall into all three. They are clairsentient, clairaudient, and clairvoyant.

Clairsentient deals with feeling things. Our first exercise today dealt with asking a spirit to come close to each of us and let us feel what it is like to be them. I have done this before, but I have trouble. But for a brief moment, I had the feeling of being a young girl wearing a bikini at the beach. Of course, as I got the feelings, I also saw pictures, but that is another part. So, being able to feel things from spirit is considered clairsentient.

Clairaudient is hearing things. And I will admit that I have heard things before, like my name being called when no one did. It is the ability to hear sounds. This exercise dealt with my teacher telling us to hear the sounds of various things. For example, she would say, “a bell ringing.” As soon as she would say what she wanted to hear, I would hear it. She would tell the next sound, and bam, it was there. She went through about ten of these. Each one was there as soon as she said the word. It was like bam, bam, bam. One right after the other.

The last is clairvoyant. This is seeing things. I remember my first mediumship class. I was holding an object picked out of a bag that belonged to one of the other students. As soon as I touched it, I saw an image of a person that turned out to be her cousin. This is clairvoyant. The exercise that she had us do was similar to the exercise for sounds. This time, she would name an object and we would get an image of that object in our minds. For me, this happened just like the last exercise. As soon as she said the word, an image appeared. Again, it was bam, bam, bam.

Now, the key is that we weren’t sitting there trying to think up images or sounds. Those were provided by spirit.

I would guess that part of my problem feeling things is that I have trouble getting myself out of the way to do that. At the same time, I have felt things in other people in my own body when I was scanning them. I keep telling myself that what I am feeling in me is my issue and not the other person’s, but that may not be true. I guess I still need to work that out.

The bottom line seems to be that I am very much clairvoyant and clairaudient.