February 18, 2009

Gut feeling. What is it? Do we listen to it? What happens when we don’t? I had a gut feeling I should talk about this today, and some things that have happened when I didn’t listen to mine.

Gut feeling is something we get all the time. We can also call it intuition. All too often we don’t listen to it. What it is, is information, information coming from spirit. Sometimes they are giving us answers, other times making suggestions. We suddenly have some information pop into our heads (as I do when I’m doing word puzzles) or we are suddenly sure about something.

What we do when we get this is all too often up for debate. Sometimes we act on these ‘hunches’, but too often, we disregard them.

I was giving a talk on energy at a Reiki seminar a few years ago. As an example of energy, I took a ‘volunteer’ and blindfolded her. I then arranged the rest of the people in the room and told my subject to walk through the room without hitting anyone. As instructed, she put her hands out in front of her to feel the energies of the people she approached.

Slowly, she moved forward until she came upon the first person in her way. She stopped, thought about it a minute. Then she moved forward and ran right into him. She felt the energies. But instead of listening to her gut, she figured “nah, it couldn’t be” and ignored it.

Energy workers have to listen to their gut instinct to find the right positions and do the right things. In this case, this was one energy worker that did not trust her gut feeling. Of course it all depends on the situation and comfort level. Many times I have been working on someone and been shown to do a certain move. Sometimes that move was a little invasive, and I did not do it even though it was probably the right thing to do. I just didn’t feel the client would be comfortable with the move.

Several years ago, there was a 10 year old child missing in town here. A lady I worked with came to me and asked if Kay, my psychic development teacher (a local psychic) could be of any help locating her. Now, this was a huge deal. There were people combing the areas, volunteers working day and night to try to locate her. This went on for days.

Kelly, the lady I worked with, came to class with the girl’s nightshirt. We figured it might help in picking up the vibrations. Kay’s first impression was that the child was already dead, but she did offer to help find her. We did a class meditation, and Kay and I saw a stream with a building.

Another day, I had heard a voice in my head at one point that said “help me.” I went into a meditation and saw a hill and some trees and a building very nearby. A group of us took an afternoon off and looked around a certain area, and we actually found this spot. We saw the hill and the apartment complex nearby that I had seen in my meditation. But past that, nothing became of it. There was nothing there to show recent activity, or anything that could prove to be the girl, or anyone for that matter. With no proof of anything wrong, we did not alert the authorities.

A couple days later, I brought Kay up from St. Augustine, and we got with Kelly. We were outside the girl’s house and walking the street. I had brought my dog just in case something popped up that a dog’s nose might notice.

Kay held the nightshirt and picked up on vibrations that led off in a certain direction. I wasn’t sure about it. I asked to try what I could (and keep in mind, my confidence on my abilities was far from what it is now, and that is not to say that I am super confident now). I held out the shirt and closed my eyes. I turned in a circle sensing the strongest energy pulse hoping that it was from the girl. It went off in a similar, yet different direction than the one Kay had found. (I do this a lot when I feel sharp pains in my head. It usually means I am feeling negativity, and has been known to come from my wife when she is having a rough time. I used to call her at work and ask what was wrong. When she asked how I knew, I would tell her that I felt a disturbance in the force. If I feel it is coming form my client, I ask what is wrong.) Having taken one sample pulse, I walked down the street a bit, and did the same thing. This time I had a different direction. Giving in to the experience of my teacher, I discounted what I had sensed.

Kay’s route took us a couple miles away to a park. At the park we found the stream with the building. We ended up feeling something had happened there, but were not sure if it was related to the missing girl. I let the dog poke around, but there was nothing.

We didn’t know where to go from there, so we quit. Now, the park we were taken to was a place that the girl had played at.

All the houses on the block had been searched with permission of the owners and nothing was found. Again I discounted what I had picked up. (This is something I have done many times in my life, either psychically or other. I had no faith in my abilities and let others lead. Sometimes things worked out. Sometimes they did not, and I ended up kicking myself for not saying anything.)

As the bizarre story unfolded, we learned the truth of what had happened. The girl had gone over to one of the neighbors where she was playing with the 15 year old boy there. She had gotten hurt by a ball and he had taken her inside to see if he could help her. (He was not supposed to be playing with her, and should not have had her in the house.) While they were in there, his father came home. Knowing he was in the wrong, the boy panicked. To keep her quiet (she was crying), he stabbed her several times until she was dead. He then put her in the base of his bed unit.

Even though the house had been searched by police, they did not bring the dogs with them. There was a strange smell in the place, but it was attributed to caged pets in the room. When the smell got really bad, the girl’s body was found.

When I saw the news story, and saw what house they found the girl in, I was shocked. The two times I had tested energies on the street that day, both paths ran right though this house. It was almost like triangulation. If I had had more confidence, and had sampled more locations, I might have gone to the police there and suggested that they search the house again, with dogs. But I had done nothing.

Where I am, it is hard to have gifts that don’t work consistently, and that is true with all psychics. Not having a consistent base, and a lack of confidence because of that inconsistency makes it hard to take a stand on anything. This is why all too many psychics are treated as nut cases by police and other authorities. There is no physical proof other than a hunch (or dream as in the TV show Medium). It is acting on that hunch that may or may not give results.

The key is that one has to act on their gut instinct. One might be considered a fool, or something else may happen. I wish I had years ago. It might have helped the family know sooner.