Whether we believe in them or not, energies are all around us. Some of the energy practices sound silly like talking to plants, while others sound very important like The Secret or The Power of Positive Thinking. In truth, we can make things happen in our daily lives by changing the way we think and in some ways giving ourselves an attitude adjustment.
While thoughts of how energies affect us and the things around us have been around for centuries, it has really only come to prominence in the last 40 years or so. The 70s saw many types of ‘mind over matter’ thought processes come out with one of the most known being EST.
The training for this locked people in a room while ‘the message’ was taught. Many compared it to mind control or brainwashing. But it worked on many levels. Many people walked away from it feeling that a lot of things were no longer important. While in truth some things were important, others were not. When you look at some of the basics of it, it has a little in common with something that came out in the 90s called “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff” which prioritized things so you could deal with them. By the time you were done, you began to realize that it is all small stuff.
Again, the same message tends to come through… Be positive, think positive. This in turn creates energies and manipulates energies. Just as talking to plants creates goodness and love in the form of energy that the plants take in and use, being positive creates energies that gear for a certain outcome. That outcome could be a good day, passing a test, or even doing well in an interview. It could also work to a better car or a better situation, but those things take longer to happen and all too often we give up before things can come about.
No matter what it is, the process starts with desire. What is it we want? How badly do we want it? How important is it to us? With desire, comes the intent to see this happen. And intent makes us do things that lead to our goal (yes we are goal setting again). If our desire is to take some classes and get good grades, our intent pushes us to study hard and know the material. We want to have a good day, and we use our intent to have that good day by playing down problems and issues so they don’t overwhelm us. We desire this job, and we use our intent to set our frame of mind to be absolutely what we should be to have a good interview.
This creates the energies. And whether other people notice these energies or not, they do affect what is happening. Positive people tend to go further. Is that because they just seem nicer? Or is it because these energies they create affect other energies which smooth things along?
In the same way positive energies help people, negative energies hold people back. People who dwell on the negative always seem to have ongoing problems. They always have some tale to tell of this thing going wrong or that thing that just isn’t right or this person is making their life miserable.
The same is true of people that fear a lot. If we have fear, we put a lot of energy to being afraid, or being worried that something is going to happen. That energy affects what happens to us as well. Because we put so much energy into it, we tend to draw to us what we fear the most.
The bottom line is that we need to look at the energy we’re putting out and change it to make a positive difference. Look at what you desire. Next create the intent to make that happen. Keep that energy going and make what you desire happen.