I received a reading today from my mediumship teacher, along with a good swift kick in the ass.
The basics of the information being passed by a former teacher of mine was that I need to get out of my safe zone and start doing something that could expand my business. This of course means going out and talking to people and trying to marry up with other businesses to make offers to the public. She suggested going to bicycle shops and seeing if they would be interested in doing a ‘buy a bike, get a massage’ deal. This could get me people that are in it for the advertising. I am just not sure if someone would actually pay the additional amount on a bike to get a massage certificate. After all, the certificate would have to go at full price and would increase the cost of the bike by that much. The business would get 20% off the cost of the certificate so they would make money on the bike and the massage session.
The same was also suggested with flower shops. Now, I did talk to one whom a friend contacted for me. The wanted to know how I would sell flowers form my studio. That was not the idea. Of course, I have not heard back from these people either.
But one thing is right… I need to get out of my little comfort zone, and do something to get this business to grow or I will just continue to make ends meet or go out of business. But I just am not comfortable doing sales. Dunno.