My acupuncturist came over today to work on a regular client with me. She wasn’t doing acupuncture, but was learning some of the fascial work I do.
Part of the training for acupuncture is massage, and she does some of that during her sessions. She is seeing how effective the fascial work is that I do, and realized that she could help her patients better if she could learn some of it. But what she got threw her for a bit.
I started by showing her how to look at someone’s alignment, and then to the basic moves that put a person back into alignment. After she got some work on that (and my client got extra time and two therapists), we moved to things like dry glides (moving over the skin without oil to open up an area).
During the training, she asked lots of good questions about hand placements and reasons and such. But at one point, she asked why I was putting my hand where I was and why I moved it around first. I told her that I put it there because it seemed to be the right place, and I moved it around until it felt right. She was looking for a hard scientific reason, and did not get that. Instead, she got a reason based on intuition. There was a scientific reason, but I go where I feel I need to go, and move around until it feels ‘just right’. I can’t do it any other way.