What is it with today’s society? Why is something always someone else’s fault?
We now live in a ‘not my fault’ society. People are not taking responsibility for their actions. And the sad thing is that this is acceptable.
Someone who wasn’t looking jumps out in front of a car going through a parking lot and gets hit. “It’s not my fault. They should have been watching for people walking.” In part this is true, but I see people walk out in front of cars without looking all the time. Do they think that these drivers, although paying attention, can magically stop on a dime?
The attitude of “Go ahead and hit me. I’ll sue” is one that seems prevalent. Well, I got news for you. No amount of money will cover your being crippled for the rest of your life. Maybe you should start taking some responsibility and start looking for traffic. My momma always taught me to look both ways before crossing a road.
In my neighborhood, they sent out a memo telling people to be careful when driving because kids will be kids and we have to watch out for them. Yes, we do, but is anyone telling the children to watch out for traffic? No. is anyone telling the children not to play in the street? No. There are children that like to do acrobatic skate boarding on our street. And all too often they will go in and leave all their equipment in the middle of the street. I’m talking things like ramps, a 12 foot ladder, and more.
The other day, one kid went down a ramp in his garage and did a jump into the street in front of me. Lucky for him I saw him or he’d be dead now. And guess what... I’d be facing a lawsuit for killing him. Obviously the parents are not taking responsibility. They are not teaching their children to be responsible. Maybe they were never taught themselves. But if their kid gets hit, it won’t be their fault or the kid’s.
Children play in the road here all the time. When a car comes, they look at the car, and ignore it. They don't get out of the way unless someone honks their horn. Why isn't someone teaching these kids to look for traffic and move?
People make decisions all the time, and sometimes they go bad. But when they do, it is never their fault. Maybe they were not brought up right. There always has to be some other reason to blame it on.
All I know is that we have created a society where people do what they want without thinking and then blame something else when things go wrong. Come on people. Grow up!