Participating in Your Own Healing
Today, we want miracle cures and solutions. Why with medical science as advanced as it is, there should be nothing that can't be cured. That's right isn't it? We want to lose weight by taking a pill, or be healthier by drinking some blue or green concoction. But what part are we leaving out? Us.
We need to be a part of the process, and while you're thinking that by taking this pill or drinking that shtuff we are involved, but we really are not. We are just sitting there watching it happen, and a lot of that is waiting for it to happen. We need to be invested in what is happening. We need to be extremely involved.
Let's face it, every diet supplement on the market says that by taking their product you will lose weight as long as you add eating right and some exercise. Well if one was eating right and exercising, they would lose weight. The point is that this supplement will not do it all on its own. We need to get involved. We need to realize that we need to take care of ourselves. And more than realizing that we need to be involved, we need to get involved.
If we want to be healthier, we need to do more than just take vitamins. We need to eat better. We need to do things that promote good health, like going for a walk instead of sitting around watching TV.
Even when we go to a healer whether that be a medical doctor, massage therapist, chiropractor, or some form of energy worker, we need to be involved. The number of people that have walked into the Caring Palms office and said "fix me" is incredible. But in doing that, they are telling the healer to fix them while they remove themselves from the process. They need to be more involved, and this is not to say they should be looking at and judging every little move. It is saying that they need to be mentally open and accepting of their treatment. They need to if not have belief, at least be open to the treatment working and making them better. That is being involved.
Mental preparation is 90% of every cure, every solution. Believing in the process, whether that process is a massage, Reiki session, or an operation dramatically increases the positive effect gained from it. Mental preparation ahead of time is important so you understand the procedure you will be going through and be able to put your energies into the positive parts of it that will end with you being better. This is how you get involved.
You make the choice to improve yourself whether that be weight loss, better health, or healing from some problem. Don't sit and watch this happen from the sidelines. Get in there and be involved in every part of it. How much you want, and how much you do makes a difference as to your success. Be successful. Be involved. Be a participant in your own healing.