If I had a nickel for every time someone said "I didn't know I hurt there..."
When most people come to a massage therapist with a problem, they usually know where they hurt, or they think they do. I'll get to an area that the client thought was not a problem, and suddenly I hear that they are sore there and they didn't know that they were.
One of the things that we tend to forget is that the body is one organism made of multiple pieces. But the key to that is that all those pieces are connected. Something going on in one area may cause pain somewhere else. In fact one massage style tells the therapist to find the pain... and look for the cause elsewhere. And although the client may not feel pain at the place that is causing the pain, they probably will once that area is worked on. And a massage therapist may find the cause of the problem even though the client may tell them no. I remember a time when someone told me that their problem was in their neck, not their back. I worked the back as that was what I was drawn to work on. The neck pain went away. One just has to remember that every part is connected to every other part, and that any part can cause a problem in any other part.
If I had a nickel for every time someone said "I didn't know I hurt there...", well I wouldn't be hurting for nickels (but I might need to see a massage therapist to deal with the back pain from carrying them).