I find it strange that I decide to do something new after all this time. It is something I really should have been doing since the beginning, but didn't. After 200 some odd students, I have started taking a class photo at the end of each class.
Alice, my Lomi teacher, always took a picture of her students after her graduation ceremony at the end of each class. I think she posted them on her website. I thought it was a neat idea, especially in my case where I have a hard time remembering faces... er... faces, names, numbers, where I parked my car, etc.
So, I finally got off my backside, and decided to start taking class pictures. My first one was of eight students in the Reiki 1 class last Saturday. I almost didn't do it. I'm not sure why. Maybe I thought it was invasive. But, I finally did ask, and everyone seemed to like that idea. So, cool.
So, as I teach classes, I am taking pictures of each class which I am posting on the Caring Palms Facebook page. And it only took me 240 students or so to start doing it. So, progress takes time.