My latest client today came out of the treatment room in tears, and it was not because I was beating on her. She had just had a truly amazing emotional release through the massage session. After I left her in the room, and she realized what had just happened, she just burst into tears.
I just came off the most awesome session I have done in a while. This massage session cleansed my client, released a lot of stuff she didn't need, and filled both of us with peace.
When my client came to me, she was feeling upset about something. She ended up going back out for an hour to take care of that something and then coming back. When she came back and she was feeling quite a bit better and was able to feel the peacefulness of the energies in the studio.
I started doing some fascial work, and then just working in areas that I felt she needed worked on. I worked along the spine, I did compressions, I loosened up a lot of things in her back. Rather then start working with oil, I worked fascia as I felt needed, worked the areas I felt drawn to, and then decided she needed some stretching before I started doing regular massage. So I turned her over and did some stretching on both sides and other stuff that I felt she needed. At the end of this, she felt something major release inside of her, to the point that she needed sit there and just breathe for a few moments. She suddenly felt lighter, better, more in tune. It was amazing. It was like there is something clinging inside of her and it suddenly just cleared out. All I was doing was following the guidance that I was being given. But I was very in tune.
When I work on this person, I do whatever comes to me, basically and Esalen inspired massage. I just keep moving, and whatever movements I feel are needed, I do. Usually, I am pretty in tune with her needs. She knows me, and trusts me, and simply lets me go where my intuition takes me. But, today was special.
I kept moving and kept getting drawn to places that I needed be and doing movements that I needed to do. There were a few times when I was doing movements I had never done on anyone before. At one point, I was moving her arm and she was trying to move it at the same time, trying to move it where she thought I was going to put it. I told her to relax because I did not know where I was going therefore she could not know her I was going.
I was just so in tune with her needs that this massage turned out most awesome not only for her, but for me. Actually, I believe we were in tune with each other. We were doing the dance, the dance that happens between client and therapist, when each are so in tune with each other that the client's body tells the therapist where they need to go, and the therapist understands and goes there without any verbal communication.
When I was done, she had to lay there for a while because she could not move. It took her a while to be able to get up, get dressed, and come out to the lobby. When she did, she was in tears because she felt so released and clear, and able to be in control again. I was just glad I could be there to help.
I enjoy doing the work I do. And every session I do is special. But, every now and then one comes along in which true magic happens. Today was that day. I love magical days.