January 15, 2011

I just came from a mediumship seminar with Eamonn Downey. He is a British medium who teaches at the Arthur Findlay School in England. I took his seminar last year and was blown away by it.

Eamonn has a way of finding solutions to help each person that is specific to that person. For me, he put it on the lines of energy, managing and using the energies to connect with spirits. He basically told me I should play to my strengths. He kept telling me how good I am at energy work and how lovely the work I do is.

Of course one of the things I picked up was that I need to practice things. I need to meditate. I need to practice ‘sitting in the power’, energies that allow me to connect with spirit. And I also need to stop saying that I need to do these things and plain old do them. (I know... try not.)

Last night’s class started with us controlling our breathing, entering the energies, and then seeing someone before us. He had us physically reach up and touch that person’s face, and then hold their hand. As I did this, I could feel the face and I could feel a hand in mine. What is funny was that there were only two males in the class and we were the ones to actually reach up and touch without hesitation. The rest of the class was not so forthright.

Next, we broke into groups of four. Two of us connected with a spirit that was here for one of the other two. I started out describing this person, and telling what I could, but the energies faded. So, leaving it there, the other person that was tuning in started talking, and she had connected to the same person that I had. So, by both of us connecting, then energies split and then left me for the other reader. This session left me feeling not too good about the work I had just done, but Eamonn told me that this happens.

Next we started by breaking into groups of three and giving reading for one of the other members. I felt a lot better about this one as everything I said, for the person I was reading for received a quick ‘yes’. When it got to the time to pass on the message, I was surprised because this has been the part that I always have the most trouble with.

But I told the person that I felt she was coming up on a big decision soon. And the message was to ‘stay in the light’. Afterwards, I found that she was looking at colleges and had applied to several. She really wanted to go to this one on Manhattan, but had not yet heard from them. She felt she belonged there and that it was right for her. She said that if she could not get in there, she would end up at Florida State. When I opened to the idea of Manhattan, I just felt like it was darkness. Hmm, Florida State? Stay in the light? I gave her my card and we friended on Facebook so she can let me know what she ends up doing.

Today (day 2), we started out with the same three person groups as we finished with last night. This time, each group was put out in front of the class to tune in to one spirit and read for one person in the remainder of the group.

Some groups were split and got two spirits. One group got one spirit that was actually there for one person in that group.

When our group started, I was seeing all kinds of things flipping around in my mind. Normally, I get an image and work from there. This weekend, it has not worked that way and has been throwing me off. Our group leader tuned in to someone for one specific person in the ‘audience’. She gave some information and on Eamonn’s prompting let the energies go to the person on her right, who also gave more information. I was still bumping through images with nothing settling when Eamonn prompted the energies over to me. Eamonn had me bring in this energy. I had a feeling of the mannerisms of the person I was connected to. I had some images and I managed to give a little information when I was told to deliver the message.

I immediately saw an image of a red tulip in a pot. I started talking about sprouting, growing, reaching up, yet in doing so to stay grounded. Afterward, as everyone was telling me how beautiful the message was, I made my way to the person the reading was for. I had ‘heard’ a clarification which I needed to pass on. I told the recipient that the flower grows up, reaches for the light, yet stays connected to the ground. I think that was the full message.

After the lunch break, we broke into groups of two. (Keep in mind, it was always Eamonn who decided the groups, and I could see that this was based on input from spirit.)

I read for my partner. I was still having problems with focus, and when I got something fuzzy, I asked that they step closer. This spirit did, and I was able to describe him. She seemed to know who I was talking about. But things got a little off here and there. I was connected to her uncle. I asked for various information, and got some of it. I asked how he passed. I got the feeling that he had some illness that went on for a while.

But then, my partner asked if I could tell her more, and told me it was really sad. This threw me off. I initially felt that his illness was heart related like a heart attack. But then I saw lung cancer. My partner told me that her other uncle died form lung cancer, but not the one I had been describing. I was actually connected to two spirits there for a second.

I went back to the first and felt that his death came from an impact, like a car crash. I had described his car initially, the light colored convertible. But I still could not get a good feel for the event.

If there is one thing I learned this weekend, it was that no matter what you get or don’t get, if it is not being recognized, make sure you get to the message. Well, I did pass on the message (not that I remember it now), and then I let her fill in the blanks. What I found out was that I had all the pieces, but there was no way I could have put them together. Her uncle had heart problems for a while. While driving, he had a heart attack, and this caused him to crash into a tree. It was the impact that killed him. Wow.

As for my partner reading me, it was another of those people that I could not identify. I do not know my family as well as I would have liked. I only know one set of grandparents, and both of them died when I was very young. So, finding someone that I can say I know is a big issue. But the message was good.

According to my partner, there is going to be a time when things just take off. With some work, and some luck, business will take off. There will be this need, and through luck, I will just be in the right place at the right time. Cool. But when? That was not something she cold tell me. It could be five days, five months, five years. I hope it is sooner than the latter.

But the weekend was absolutely wonderful.