Among all the unique things that happened yesterday, there was one that happened outside the scope of class where energy and focus were the keys.
I came into the practice room to get with Heather for lunch. She was with another lady and trying to help her. This lady was full of doubts. She wasn’t clear on whether she could do mediumship, or if she was going to continue as it was too sporadic. Heather felt that she was causing her own problems, basically standing in her own way.
Heather was listening to her, trying to come up with an idea. She turned to me and asked me for my keys which she placed in this lady’s left hand. She told her to feel the keys on an energy level and tell her what she was feeling. (Heather said that I had done this with her a long time ago, but I didn’t remember. I’m lucky if I remember yesterday.)
The lady was feeling some stuff, but she wasn’t realizing it. She was coming up with warm, and vibrating, but there were many more levels. When Heather seemed stuck, I stepped forward.
I held my hand above the hand that held the keys, and walked around her right side trailing the energies from her hand with me. I lead the energies all the way around her and back to her hand. She started feeling them then. I put my hands over her shoulders and moved energy down and through her. Then I told her to close her eyes.
I had her take a deep breath and visualize some things. I had her see the connection of energy and information. I had her see a figure standing in the way, and then recognize it as herself. I had her ‘walk’ forward and merge with that figure so that they could become one. Once one, the energy could flow into her and through her. I had her take another deep breath and open her eyes. She felt good about what had just happened. Cool.
Later when she had to be in front of the class in the group of three, she was told that she was the key contact, the one that would make contact first. She zoned right in, and did a wonderful job.
Energy. It’s what I do.