July 10, 2011

It was Friday on Sunday. Or more precisely, I saw Friday on Sunday.

Back on May 10th, I worked on a Dalmatian mix named Friday. He and his sister had been found in a ditch and were in bad shape. Friday went for two weeks without eating until Erika (his foster mom) found he could only eat vegetarian dog food.

So, he did start eating, but was very week when she brought him to me for Reiki. The dog I saw today was sooo much different than the one I had seen back in May. In May, he could hardly walk. This dog was happy and energetic. This picture was taken by Erika and posted in one of her albums on Facebook with the caption… ‘Friday gets a hug from the man who saved his life.’

Her responses to questions on the picture tell the whole story...

Brian helped with his mad Reiki skillz when Friday was very sick, back when we first got him.

He is GREAT now! He came to us a little sick, then refused to eat for 2 weeks, so he became very weak. We didn't think he was going to make it. I saw the beautiful photos of Lancelot in the park just tagged "Reiki" and he was, at the time, looking very good. So I googled all night to find some Reiki for Friday. I had to carry him into Brian's office because he couldn't even walk... but he played the whole way home and has been healthy ever since.

I love stories like this. It shows what energy work can do to help ‘people’.

But there is one thing I feel the need to point out just because I am me. Reiki does what Reiki will do based on the need of the subject, and that is determined at the soul level of that subject. All the healing is done by the Reiki energy. I as a practitioner, am only a method of delivery. I am only a part of the process, yet while it is an important part, it is just a part. In a way, it is like being the needle that delivers the medicine. The needle gets the needed medicine to someone, but it is the medicine that does the actual healing.

So, while it is nice being told that I saved someone’s life, I know that I was simply a facilitator in allowing the thing that did save that life to get to him.

But it is still nice to see things like this happen.