There is something that we want to do. It could be a task that needs doing, or an improvement that we want to make, maybe even in ourselves. The questions is... do we get motivated, or do we get inspired?
There are lots of forms of motivation, and they range from the positive to the negative, but mostly, I think we use the negative. For example, the motivation to put a fountain in the yard would be the nice view and sounds of water moving. At the same time, motivation to lose weight could be the doctor telling you that you will die in a few months unless you do.
When we think of motivation, we generally know of some problem or negative occurrence that will happen if we don't do what we are trying to get motivated to do. Losing weight has its negative health concerns. Paying bills has its negative financial concerns.
People who motivate us to do something tend to do so by telling us what will happen if we don't (ask any drill sergeant). We constantly refer to someone lighting a fire under our backsides to get us going.
But the world is full of negative consequences. "Do your job or you'll be fired." "Practice or you'll lose the competition." "Wear a helmet or you'll get hurt." What this does is make us act out of fear. And while we've heard that fear is a great motivator, isn't there enough fear out there already? Wouldn't it be better to have a positive reason? Wouldn't it be better to be inspired?
Inspiration comes to achieve something positive. Artists are inspired to create art, not (usually) because they are motivated by money. That person looking to put a fountain in their yard would be inspired to do so for the pleasure of having something nice and pleasant.
Those that inspire us do so through positive example and reinforcement rather than threats and warnings. They make us reach out, to be better, to want change and make that change happen. They make us rise for the betterment rather than acting out of fear.
Good teachers inspire students to be better, to get good grades, to learn. Bad teachers motivate students with fear of failure. I think everyone has had their share of each. Those that inspired you made you want to learn the subject as they made it interesting. Those that didn't taught their subjects in an uninteresting manner and then harped on you to get better grades.
I was inspired to write this based on a comment from a client. It was eye opening and profound. I hope this article came across the same.
So, what inspires you today?