I worked on a friend today that I have not seen in eight years. She kept telling her new husband, that I give the best massages that she has ever had. I was hoping I could live up to the memory.
Both my friend and her husband are EMTs, he is actually a paramedic. I used to work on her many years ago, even before I went to massage school. She thought my massage were the best. But living a few states away makes it difficult to get in for a massage. I think I actually worked on her once after graduating from massage school.
I started with her husband and did a mostly basic massage. But I used the pressure he needed and added moves that he needed. It turned out to be nothing like he has ever had at up their way.
After that, I decided that when I worked on my friend, I wanted to use something different as I have learned a lot of stuff since I last saw her. I did an Esalen-esque massage on her. I just started moving, and doing what I needed to where I felt I needed to do it. I also had moves she had never seen before (other than what I had just done on her husband). It was a good session.
Later I asked if it compared to what I used to do on her. She said that while she could not remember specifically what I had done in the past, she did have a memory of it. And thankfully, she felt that today’s session was better than the memory of previous times. Cool.