I just did the most awesome mediumship reading I have ever done. And after yesterday’s ‘attempt’, I feel really good now.
Yesterday, we had mediumship class at the studio. There were two students, myself and one who had been here maybe three times before. Since I was the ‘advanced’ student, I was told to do a one on one reading for the other student, but to do it as a professional session. This was something I could not do, separate myself and role play like I did not know this person.
I ended up being all over the place with my energies, and got someone that she did not know, and probably could not have recognized. I went as far as I could and passed on the message. (One thing I learned from the seminar in January was that if you give3 all your evidence, and the person does not know who you brought through, go to the message.)
But tonight was different. I went to the advanced class for mediumship as they had someone coming to the class that no one knew. Although I know just about everyone in this group, I am a bit intimidated by them as they are all so very good. But only three of them showed up tonight... my friend John, his daughter, and Kay.
When it came time to start the readings, my teachers asked “who would like to volunteer to go first... Brian?” Well, while I was kind of not sure I wanted to go first, I felt I needed to so I would have nothing influencing me.
I started by pulling my chair up across from our subject, something I felt I needed to do. I started by explaining what I was going to be doing, that I would have times where I would stare off into space while I was getting information ‘downloaded’ from the universe. Basically, I told her that some of what I would be doing would seem weird, and I was ok with that term. (Hey, I do weird stuff.) While I was doing my explanation (something I don’t do in the regular classes where we read each other) was tuning in to the person I was going to read. When I was done with my explaining, I started the reading.
I saw a man with gray hair parted on the left. He had a moustache, and glasses with black frames. I felt that he might have been an uncle, but was not sure. I heard the name ‘John’ and told her that I did. The name was not one she knew, yet I felt it was a ‘J’ sounding name. I had an image of him with a gold colored car which I thought resembled a Volvo. All the while I was talking, my subject kept nodding so I would know she was understanding. (I had asked her not to fill in blanks as I did not want to be led in one direction or another.)
Suddenly, I noticed this sparrow sitting on the tree outside the window. It was just making so much noise, singing and singing. I looked at it and told it, “and your point?” The bird then stopped singing and flew off. I thought... singing... music. I looked back at my subject and told her that this person I had liked music, specifically classical. Brahams, Beethoven, Stravinsky. Basically what was called long hair music before the Beatles arrived. I had the feeling that he liked to travel to hear various orchestras play.
I saw him sitting in front of a brick fireplace reading with a pipe in his hand. He kept motioning with the pipe as if to tell me that this is what ultimately caused his death. I definitely got the feeling that it was chest related, either lung cancer or heart issues.
Now, I was given a time limit (as I tend to be able to give great 15 minute readings in 45 minutes), and I still had time left, but felt I had pulled out enough information to go to the message.
The message I got was seeing my subject walking down a brick path (I know, follow the yellow brick road). At this point, it just started flowing. (I can remember when I could never get messages. Now, they just seem to flow.) Music came back into it. I felt that she needed to walk to her own music as that works for her. There are those that feel she should walk to their music, but she needed to follow her own. That will get her along her path.
Now, first off, this was the most controlled and focused I have ever been during a reading. The time I spent at the beginning explaining what I was going to do made a huge difference. I was centered, focused, in tune where I needed to be. There was appoint during the reading that I felt like I was starting to slip out of focus, so I stopped for a second and refocused. During the meditation at the beginning of class, I did one more thing. I told the spirit world that I wanted to connect with people my subjects would recognize unlike yesterday. It felt great to do such a precise reading. Now the results.
I had connected to my subject’s grandfather. That ‘J’ name? She called him hzodge (pronounced jodge) which is Polish for grandfather. She never did know about a mustache, but he did wear dark rimmed glasses. He had given her a gold colored car at one time, but she could not remember the make. She did not know about the fireplace or what caused his death (these are things she can check out and get back to us). But he did love classical music. He traveled a lot to see orchestras play. My subject had loved the stories he told of his travels so she listened to classical to see what he liked so much.
All in all, the reading was right on the money. One thing that helped was that she seemed to recognize everything I said. Had she come back with not knowing this or that, it might have thrown me off as it has done so many times before.
The class and teacher’s critique of what I did was great. They had never seen me so controlled before. My teacher would have liked me to involve my subject more, but I really wanted to not have her talking much so it did not throw me off. She also told me I needed to stop referring to it as weird stuff. Hey, I call ‘em like I see ‘em.
Now, the rest of the class got to do readings as well. What they got and how it all came together was amazing as well, after all, these were her advanced students.
John read next and connected to a grandmother from the other side of the family. She really didn’t want to give any details, but just to pass on overwhelming love.
Kay then was drawn to a vase of flowers where she picked two. She told of how our subject was looking for a house and how she would find it. She told about the house and what would be there. She told of how being there would help open our subject up to new things. Basically, she was doing a psychic reading, or so it seemed. In fact, she had connected to spirit, and the spirit had guided her to the flowers and showed her the house. This was one of those times where the spirit felt that the message was more important than identification.
Our subject admitted that she had been playing with the idea of getting a house, and pretty much designed it in the back of her mind. But she was not actively looking, at least not yet.
John’s daughter then read, and she connected with the same person I did. She also saw him with a mustache and also felt that his passing was chest related. Since I had given most of the information, what she got was to pass on his love.
Now that we thought it was all over, and all of us had read, my teacher started to talk and I asked if I could say something. She told me to go ahead.
You see, I had seen a pattern in what we had passed on, a kind of piecing together. Two readings dealt with passing on love, to let our subject know that she is loved and surrounded by love. The message I passed on had to do with following her own path to her own music, doing it her way. The second message dealt with her finding the right house where she would open up to possibilities. So she was being guided along her path to her house surrounded by love. Cool, huh?
Out of all of the people there, I was the only one to see that these pieces fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Like I say, I see patterns.