I attended a mediumship class this evening. As part of a class exercise, we did speaking and writing off the tops of our heads. This is called Inspired speaking and Writing and the information comes from outside.
I was given a word to talk about, and that word was "Purpose". I saw energy spreading out form one person, and then going from others to more people, and eventually coming back and affecting the person that it started with. This was the basis for the article below.
In what we do, we exude energy, energy that is generated from our doing, from our passion for what we do. But in doing something, even something simple, we affect others, and they in turn affect more, and eventually, that comes back to affect us.
In what I do, I help people, but it does not stop with that one person. If I do something that makes someone feel better (and this could be massage, or energy work, or just smiling at the clerk at the grocery), my energies affect them, change them, make them act differently. They in turn, feeling better, pass this on to others. These people in turn pass it on to those they come in contact with. Remember that hair products commercial, "she tells two friends and they tell two friends and they tell two friends..."? Think of a wave moving out from one point and then passing through others, and moving out through those others to others.
But things don't just move in one direction. When one passes this energy on, it goes out in a circle. Think of a broadcast tower sending out a signal in all directions. This "signal", this energy spreads out to everyone around.
In my example of me working on someone, I make them feel better. In their feeling better, they make others around them feel better. Even I feel better because that energy comes back and makes me feel better because I know I helped someone.
Think about this when you do things. You are starting a wave of energy that spreads out and affects others, and in turn that wave comes back and affects you. Ride the waves.
Then when asked to write with no subject, the following is what flowed out.
Going through the motions. Is it really me, or is it someone else?
As I walk through the world, I see things, things that move, things that flow, things that affect other things. Some I see are good, some not so. These things, these energies affect me, yet I affect them.
I push and I pull. I give and I take. I work with and around and through these energies that I see. I place them in motion, change their vibrations, bring them to a higher plane, and then slow them to the physical world. I look. I see. I change. I make better. I have to.
I go through the motions of moving energies, putting them into motion. Is it really me, or is it someone else? It is both and neither. It is just us.