Well, the rush is finally over. The licensing renewal period for massage therapists has come and gone. Caring Palms did its part by scheduling classes as often as possible including a Reiki 1 and a Reiki 2 on the last two days of the period.
There was someone on a Facebook page that was commenting on people waiting until the last minute to take their continuing education, but while some people simply had no excuse, others had really good reasons for not getting this done until the last minute. As we know, life happens. Many of the people Caring Palms has taught have been dealing with health issues, business issues, money issues, and more. These things have kept them from being able to take classes earlier. A couple people had been signed up for classes that were cancelled at the last minute leaving them with little time to find something else. One student had been signed up for a class for months. At the last minute, they decided that her health problems were more than they wanted to deal with and told her she could not take the class. This happened a week before the end of the licensing period.
Caring Palms is glad it could fill the needed requirements at the last minute so these people could renew their licenses with having to pay a late penalty.