September 7, 2011

I had a visit today from the crystal fairy. Ok, well maybe not, but close enough.

A lady came into the shop selling crystals. She actually apologized as she saw the 'no soliciting' sign, and asked if she could just leave me with a price list. (She is the first sales person to at least make mention of the sign. I am sure others noticed it but simply ignored it.)

At any rate, we got to talking, and I told her that she could bring in some stuff. Well, she had a lot of it, and I ended up going out to her truck to look at more. She had a lot of interesting stuff, and the energies these stones had was intoxicating. All the stones were priced, but that was the retail price. She was giving me the wholesale price which was half of that. This of course led me to buy too many of them.

She comes up this way every couple of months, and she will now check in with me. Cool. Now, I need to, find some places for some rocks.