What is strength? Are we strong, or do we just think we are? Is it being physically strong, or is it the belief that makes us so?
We each have our own strengths, but what makes us strong? I have been told that I have strong hands, but I never considered myself to be physically strong in any way. But my strength comes from proper body mechanics and focus. The fact that I use my body to create pressure is a big part of my being 'strong'. But the other part of that is mental focus. By focusing on what I am doing, that focus creates energy which translates to strength. Between the two methods, I am much stronger than my normal, physical strength.
But what about mental strength, strength of character or will power? That is the focus of our minds to do the right thing, the willingness to follow the morals that we have set out for ourselves. Or the willpower to follow a straight and narrow path no matter what might tempt us. But is it that we are strong, or that the mental focus we put on something makes us strong?
Most of it comes down to having faith in ourselves, faith that we can do what we set out to do. I know that there are many things that I do that I don't feel confident. And it is that lack of confidence that causes me to not be as good as I want. There are things that I am very confident about, but that confidence has solidified through a lot of trial and error. It is taking the risk that creates the successes that creates the confidence.
I know that I have refused to do things because I was not confident enough that I could do it. At the same time, I keep getting told that I am much stronger than I realize, and that all I need to do to use that strength is believe that I can. Basically, I need to get out of my own way. It is my lack of faith in myself that keeps getting in the way of the things I want to do, and that I could do. But aren't we all the same way?
I think the key is not to be so afraid of losing that we don't play the game. Yes, we will have failure, and yes, we will have setbacks. But isn't that how we learn? I guess true strength comes from believing in yourself enough to try. Because only then can we succeed.